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What is GlobalQuoter?

Why should I use it?

We provide online services to support you in your tasks of supervision and control of your construction processes and document tracking. We integrate mobile technologies, the cloud, geolocation and business intelligence for a better service.
Gather, organize and make more visual the data of your progress. In a short time you will achieve a detailed monitoring and control of your procedures and documents. It will have enough elements to avoid confusion and bad moments.
Greater speed to capture, organize and visualize advances of your projects. Traceability and integration of its administrative processes. Easy to implement, fast to learn, simple to use. Business intelligence.
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Our Vision...

Support them to transform their businesses adopting technologies of practical use to solve their problems.

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"The purchase requisition process of materials was ordered at least 70%..."

Eng. Rodolfo Dávila, Managin Director at Ingeniería Civil Montajes S.A. - ICM.

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No Losing Time Searching for your Information

Improves the version control, tag your documents and locate them more quickly.

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Increase your Connectivity

Extend follow-up your documents outside your organization.

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Be More Efficient

Mitigate conflicts, increases the collaborative work between people.


ISO 30300


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